Lymphatic massage is a particular type of massage used to encourage fluid drainage throughout your body. Lymphatic massage can be particularly helpful to those who are recovering from a surgery or an injury in which Lymphodema has occured. Lymphatic massage can be part of a well planned healing process and a choice made for general wellness.
Using gentle massage techniques your therapist will work to encourage the drainage of lymph nodes and movement of fluid in the body.

For those recovering from surgery or injury, lymphatic massage may be used as often as weekly to continue to encourage your healing and your comfort during healing time. Lymphodema can be uncomfortable and we can help. Expect reduced swelling, improved circulation, less water retention, a speedier metabolism and release of toxins in the body.
Those who work to simply improve their wellness will also enjoy and benefit from a lymphatic massage. A lympahic massage may result in improve energy, less puffiness, clearer skin and a general relaxed feeling over all.
Talk with us about lymphatic massage. We enjoy when we can improve your overall well being. Schedule time online or call or text. We welcome you!